Quilting & mindfulness

I’m what’s often referred to as a ‘process quilter’.

I’m not really into the latest trends. I’m not into rushing to complete each project.

I love each step of planning, construction & execution of a quilt. I loose myself sometimes for hours in thinking of how to best present a fabric, how to best express an emotion in the quilt - particularly when I create a memory quilt.

Patchwork & quilting requires accuracy, precision & patience. In addition to creativity, of course.

The best way to get a great result is to slow down, take time to create each item, focus on precision, iron (often) the seams, adjust any area requiring adjustment and before you know it, you are in a state of flow.

Your mind is totally absorbed by the task at hand & time seems to stop.

Your focus is entirely on the present moment - either cutting, sewing, pressing or, let’s be realistic, seam ripping!

The point is that quilting offers an incredible gift of being grounded & being mindful.

I am sure someone, somewhere will once initiate a research on this. Until then, take it from anecdotal evidence: if you need an alternative way of being mindful and calming your mind, consider patchwork & quilting, particularly hand quilting!

Picture: a baby quilt in progress, which I took while on holiday. Handquilting is both portable & the best way for me to quieten my mind.